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10 Great Ideas For A First Date

Ever been in the situation where you have a really important date lined up but you have no idea where to take them or what to do when your there? Well this could be just what your looking for! The 'Top 10 First Date Ideas For 2010' guide has been designed with you in mind each date option is explained in detail with Time, Costs, Benefits and Downsides all fully explained.

1. Take your date ice skating
Time: around Half an hour

Cost: Varies depending on where you go usually around £5 - £15 per person

Benefits: If you already know how to Rollerblade this is an ideal first date because it is likely that your date will not know how to ice skate/Rollerblade so will be dependent on you to help them. This is a good first date if you want to show someone that you are trusting and caring because your date will have to trust you to help them through it.

Downsides: If you don't already know how to roller blade/ice skate then you could end up looking clumsy. This shouldn't matter though because your date will most likely find it funny especially if they are falling all over the place as well!

2. Take your date to mini golf
Time: Depending on the course around 1hrs - 2hrs

Cost: Around £4 - £8

Benefits: This date is an ideal first date. Most mini golf courses are a great atmosphere for a first date because they usually attract a lot of other couples and families so you and your date will not feel alienated. Also whilst playing mini golf there is a lot of time for conversation so you can get to know your date a little better at the same time!

Downsides: If you win don't expect another date!
But seriously sometimes mini golf can get boring, especially if there is not a lot of conversation going on, so make sure that you have a lot to talk about and remember to pay attention to them and what they want to talk about.

3. Take your date to a comedy club
Time: 2hrs - 3hrs

Cost: Free

Benefits: Not only is this date usually free its also a great one if you want to get to know your date a little better. Most people enjoy a good comedy night and it is quite easy to find a local comedy club which puts on open mike nights once a week for free. This gives you and your date the opportunity to see some of the new rising talents in the world of comedy

Downsides: Sometimes a comedian isn't funny and completely flops in front of the audience. This in itself can often be quite entertaining however, some people get uncomfortable when this happens so be sure to make sure your date isn't one of these peoples before you go.

4. Take your date to an amusement park
Time: The whole day

Cost: Ticket prices range from £30 - £35 (or £15 - £20 with a buy one get one free voucher)

Benefits: An amusement park is a great place to have a first date because they are literally filled with fun things to do. Also you can use the time waiting in the cues to talk to your date and find out more about them.

Downsides: Amusement parks can be quite expensive. The ticket price is usually around £30 and that's just to get in! However, you can cut that ticket price in half with a buy one get one free vouchers which you can get from a range of places some even online. Why not try googling 'buy one get one free vouchers' for the amusement park you want to go to.
5. Take your date mystery shopping
Time: 1hrs - 2hrs

Cost: Free

Benefits: This can be a fun date as mystery shopping can involve anything from a trip to a restaurant to a spending spree around a shopping centre. If your interested in this why not sign up to one of your local mystery shopping agencies. To find one just search 'Mystery Shopper Agencies' online.

Downsides: Although mystery shopping can be a pleasant experience, sometimes you can find yourself in a run down restaurant which serves poor quality food.This will not impress your date at all in the slightest so it is very important that you do your research and take a look at the restaurant / shop before you go. If you can try and find some positive reviews about the place online before you go there.
6. Take your date paint balling
Time: 1/2 Day

Cost: Depends on the amount of paintball you use.

Benefits: A fun active way of getting to know your date. Often shows you the true nature of your date and if they are violent or aggressive!

Downsides: Paint balling hurts!, so its not for the light hearted
7. Take your date rollerblading in the park
Time: As long as you want

Cost: Free

Benefits: Rollerblading is another great idea for a first date. It gives you a chance to chat to and get to know your date whilst enjoying a fun healthy activity. This idea is especially good if it is a hot summers day and there is a local park where you can go.

Downsides: It may be embarrassing if you cannot roller blade but this probably wont be a problem if both of you can't because you will be learning together and enjoying yourselves!
8. Take your date out for coffee
Time: 45mins - 1hr

Cost: £5 - £7.50

Benefits: Sometimes it is nice on a first date just to take your date out for a coffee and a chat. You will find that if you open your ears and listen to your date you can find out lots about them! This type of date really focuses on talking which is essential if you want to continue the relationship and get a second date.

Downsides: The date is likely to be very short if you haven't got much to say to one another. You may find yourself sitting in an awkward silence not knowing what to say, this is in no way ideal for a first date! Make sure you have lots to talk about before you go otherwise be prepared for the worst.
9. Take your date to dinner
Time: 1hr - 1.5hrs

Cost: Depends on the restaurant

Benefits: Like taking your date out for coffee you get the benefit of being able to talk to your date and discover more about them. You also get to see if the two of you would really work together or if its all just a passing phase. Often restaurants are viewed as being quite romantic and the right restaurant with the right type of atmosphere could see you on your way to getting that second date.

Downsides: Because you are in a restaurant you are forced to talk to your date. Unlike taking your date out for coffee you have to stay in the restaurant until your order comes which means you have to keep the conversation going. If you haven't got much to talk about you risk being confronted with awkward silences. Impressing? I don't think so somehow...
10. Take your date go Karting
Time: 20 - 30mins

Cost: £20 (depending on what track you go to)

Benefits: Fun, Fast, Furious!

Downsides: Expensive, Scary for some......

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My name is Dinh Quang Huy or known as alias NhamNgaHanh .I made this template in magazine style and named it Simplex Darkness .I hope it helpful to persons who want a solutions for a template in Blogspot.To download this template and see template install instruction ,go to Simplex Design blog.

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