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Rihanna's new LP announced, "Rated R " era over

Barbadian beauty Rihanna has revealed her new LP "Loud" and its lead single "only girl(in the world)". The Umbrella singer announced the new track and LP on Ryan Seacrest's radio show. Describing the upcoming album as "sassy, fun, , flirty and energetic" It seems like Rihanna has taken a u-turn from her previous direction of work on the moody and edgy"Rated R", her darkest material to date. On the change in direction Rihanna says shes gonna miss the "Rated R" era and added "jus being normal, normal for me is loud! sassy, fun, energetic". Have a listen and tell us what you think:

Loud is due for release on November 4th, Rihanna has said it contains some suprise callaborations but did not elabourate on who would make a guest appearance. The Album arrives only a year after 2009's "Rated R" This could possibly be a result of the album sales failing to meet expectatins. Having said this, the album still managed to sell jus under 3million which is impressive by any standards, especially in an era of falling record sales.

In other Rihanna related news, the singer was seen sporting a brand new tatoo in the form of a gun. Decourating her thigh, the tatto is said to be a fake.

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