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Lady Gaga reveals details of New Album

whilst on her "Monster Ball" tour Lady Gaga gave the Oslo audience a special treat by divulging some details of her upcoming album "Born This Way". She revealed that she had jus recently been in the studio recording for what is arguably the most higly anticipated album of 2011.

On her recent recrding session she said "I've spent time this week in the studio in Norway. People say why don't you wait till the tour is over to finish your album?’, and I say firstly cos my fans aren't going to wait that long."

She continued "Secondly because I get so much inspiration every night when I’m here with you. Then after the show I drink a bottle of Jamesons (whiskey) and I get sh*t wasted. I drink a lot and I tell the truth about myself!"

she finished saying "I've been writing all these songs on piano first and then we built the track and orchestrated it together."

expect her new album  to be release early 2011.

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