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New Harry Potter 7 footage released, more on the way

As the release of the penultimate potter movie draws closer, more footage of the film begins to trickle out.

Heres a minute long clip entitled "no one else is going to die for me". Visually the film is looking stunning and both Dan and Rupert give brilliantly naunced performances

. If this ins't enough for you, we are expecting more clips to be released during ABC Family's harry potter weekend. In the mean time watch the foottage below and tell us what you think:

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My name is Dinh Quang Huy or known as alias NhamNgaHanh .I made this template in magazine style and named it Simplex Darkness .I hope it helpful to persons who want a solutions for a template in Blogspot.To download this template and see template install instruction ,go to Simplex Design blog.

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  1. really cool!


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