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New Potter Banners and Video of Dan

To celebrate only 50 days until the release of Deathly Hallows part 1, WB have posted a video of Daniel Radcliff giving fans a idea of what to expect when Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows is released on november 19th. Check the preview vid below. For the full vide check out the harry potter facebook page

WE also ave 3 new character banners for Deathly Hallows pt 1. The Banners feature a battered and bruised Harry and hermione as they appear in front of metalic london landscape. Ron's  howevr is the most intrigueing as he is seen posing in front f what apeears to be a nuclear power plant. What role it plays in the film, im not sure because no such setting was featured in the book. Having said that i love when the producers suprise us, with unexpeted set pieces. Whether or not it is a setting for a battle, it is certain to add visual variety to the film. All the 3 banners feature the tagline " Nowhere is safe". Tell us which one you think is best, just comment below.

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My name is Dinh Quang Huy or known as alias NhamNgaHanh .I made this template in magazine style and named it Simplex Darkness .I hope it helpful to persons who want a solutions for a template in Blogspot.To download this template and see template install instruction ,go to Simplex Design blog.

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